This stage focuses on developing safe entries to the water, including jumping in, basic floating, travel front and back up to a distance of 5 metres, and rotating the body to regain an upright position. Swimmers will be assessed without the use of aids or support.
By the end of this stage, participants will be able to:
- Jump in from poolside safely (must be independent, feet first pencil jump)
- Blow bubbles a minimum of 3 times rhythmically with nose and mouth submerged
- Regain upright position from the back without support (no support or aids to be used)
- Regain an upright position from the front without support (no support or aids to be used)
- Push from wall and glide on the back (without support for approx 2 metres, arms at side)
- Push from wall and glide on the front (without support for approx 2 metres, face in the water)
- Swim on the back for 5 metres (without aids or equipment, horizontal body position, bubbles from feet)
- Swim on the front for 5 metres (without aids or equipment, horizontal body position, bubbles from feet)
- Perform a rotation from the front to the back to gain an upright position (tick tocks, star float on front, tuck and return to vertical)
- Perform a rotation from the back to the front to gain an upright position (tick tocks, star float on back, tuck and return to vertical)